Manmohan Singh, after meeting the President, said “That a section of our youth is in agony is something which pains me”. But his love for reservation forces him to issue yet another immature appeal to students to call off their anti-quota stir. He has already lost two members of his thank tank. Yeh aarakshan ka pyar bahut nuksaan karega.
He said “The government is convinced of the need to have a fair, just and inclusive education system where every section of society feels that there is scope for their youth to acquire knowledge and skills as per their needs and become partners in the progress of this great nation”. His words are so sweet but why does he not understand that reservation excludes those youth who are competent on their own and includes those who are made competent by lowering the competence standards.
He promised “There will be no ambiguity in our commitment to work assiduously for the well being of all sections of our society. (They must) have faith in our government to protect the legitimate interests of all sections of our student community”. Is he himself sure that his government can fulfil such promise with Aryun Singh, Lalu, Paswan and other SC/ST/OBC ministers and MPs hanging from his neck? And how students can have faith in such government which celebrates two years of reserved mind-set and eats dinner when students are going hungry?
आओ लड़ें भ्रष्टाचार से. FIGHT CORRUPTION. भ्रष्टाचार है - तथ्यों को तोड़-मरोड़ कर पेश करना, कानून की अवहेलना, योग्यता के मुकाबले निजी पसंद को तरजीह देना, रिश्वत लेना, कामचोरी, अपने कर्तव्य का पालन न करना, सरकार और सरकारी विभागों में आज कल यही हो रहा है. बेशर्मी भी शर्मसार हो गई है यहाँ.
अब इस में कोई संदेह नहीं रहा कि यह सरकार भ्रष्टाचार और भ्रष्टाचारियों के खिलाफ कोई सख्त कदम नहीं उठाएगी. इस सरकार का हर कार्य नागरिकों के खिलाफ और भ्रष्टाचारियों के पक्ष में होता है. अब जहाँ भी जब भी चुनाव हो, मतदाताओं को इस भ्रष्ट सरकार और इसकी साथी भ्रष्ट पार्टियों को हराना है.
जन लोकपाल बिल को कानून बनाओ, फिर हमसे वोट मांगने आओ, नहीं तो हार के गहरे समुन्दर में डूबने के लिए तैयार हो जाओ.
जन लोकपाल बिल को कानून बनाओ, फिर हमसे वोट मांगने आओ, नहीं तो हार के गहरे समुन्दर में डूबने के लिए तैयार हो जाओ.
Mr. Manmohan Singh, known for his intellectual wisdom, has become a full-fledged politicians in two years. He says that he feels pained but act as a politician. Should I congratulate him or express regret on the loss of an intellectual to dirty Indian politics?
What sort of person this Manmohan Singh has turned out to be? He surrendered before allies and left and then before Arjun Singh in taking such actions which were in contrast to his assurances to sriking students. Unashamedly he is again making assurances which he will not be able to fulfill. Students, beware of such politicians.
Manmohan Singh says "I am pained to see the agonising experience the youth of the country are undergoing. They should call off their strike and I assure that the government will find a viable and credible way to protect the interest of all sections of the society," Singh said adding "I think the matter is already settled."
So as far as PM is concerned the reservation issue has been settled. In whatdream world he is living? This issue will not settle till the policy of reservation is discarded and replaced by better alternative(s).
Recall what manmiohan Singh said during anti-quota strike - "I am pained to see the agonising experience the youth of the country are undergoing. They should call off their strike and I assure that the government will find a viable and credible way to protect the interest of all sections of the society."
Now see what he has done after the strike was called off. He has approved his health minister Ramadoss's punitive action plan. A committee has been constituted to ease out of AIIMS its Director and other doctors who were also pained by the concerns of doctors on quota issue. To punish doctors he has approved deduction in salary of doctors for the strike period.
What sort of a person is Manmohan Singh? After becoming PM he has ceased to be a human being.
Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.
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