While asking striking medicos to withdraw their strike SC had said that government should not take any punitive action against the doctors. Doctors respected SC directive and withdrew their srike. But the government does not seem to have any respect for SC. The naked interference in day-to-day working of AIIMS by health minister Ramadoss to punish doctors and AIIMS Director is yet another instance where government is seen in contempt of SC directions. Health ministry's directive not to pay salary to doctors for strile period is devoid of any logic if government wants to win the confidence of doctors and public. But it seems that government does not bother about the feelings of the doctors and members of public who are supportive of anti-quota movement. What makes these anti-people moves of Ramadoss more bad is the fact that PM has given his approval to Ramadoss's witch hunting and settling scores. Within minutes of emerging out of a meeting with PM, Ramadoss constituted a committee to corner AIIMS Director. See what he says, "If found guilty of malpractices and treating the institute as his fiefdom, Venugopal and his coterie will be asked to leave. An explanation has been sought as to why he decided to go public over his grievances without talking to health ministry officials."
The most disappointing factor here is the PM, Manmohan Singh, who talks something and then act differently, rather exactly opposite.
आओ लड़ें भ्रष्टाचार से. FIGHT CORRUPTION. भ्रष्टाचार है - तथ्यों को तोड़-मरोड़ कर पेश करना, कानून की अवहेलना, योग्यता के मुकाबले निजी पसंद को तरजीह देना, रिश्वत लेना, कामचोरी, अपने कर्तव्य का पालन न करना, सरकार और सरकारी विभागों में आज कल यही हो रहा है. बेशर्मी भी शर्मसार हो गई है यहाँ.
अब इस में कोई संदेह नहीं रहा कि यह सरकार भ्रष्टाचार और भ्रष्टाचारियों के खिलाफ कोई सख्त कदम नहीं उठाएगी. इस सरकार का हर कार्य नागरिकों के खिलाफ और भ्रष्टाचारियों के पक्ष में होता है. अब जहाँ भी जब भी चुनाव हो, मतदाताओं को इस भ्रष्ट सरकार और इसकी साथी भ्रष्ट पार्टियों को हराना है.
जन लोकपाल बिल को कानून बनाओ, फिर हमसे वोट मांगने आओ, नहीं तो हार के गहरे समुन्दर में डूबने के लिए तैयार हो जाओ.
जन लोकपाल बिल को कानून बनाओ, फिर हमसे वोट मांगने आओ, नहीं तो हार के गहरे समुन्दर में डूबने के लिए तैयार हो जाओ.
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