Y4E has called off the strike after SC has intervened and asked students to end the strike. A good and responsible decision by Y4E. SC has taken note of the issues raised by Y4E and has assured that all related issues will be examined and decided upon as per constitutional provisions. SC has remained silent on govt misuse of its powers to amend the constitution in case of an inconvenient judgment by SC. But here SC also has its limitations in forcing the govt.
Sc has assured that there would be no coercive action against the strikers. It has said that quota will be struck down if it is contrary to constitutional provisions. As per SC order, UPS government's proposed policy and any subsequent steps for its implementation would be subject to the outcome of the court decision on pending petitions.
The strike has been called off but not the movement. This movement has become a peoples' movement and would continue till a true classless Indian society becomes a reality.
Bravo Y4E. I support your cause and wish all success in your efforts.
आओ लड़ें भ्रष्टाचार से. FIGHT CORRUPTION. भ्रष्टाचार है - तथ्यों को तोड़-मरोड़ कर पेश करना, कानून की अवहेलना, योग्यता के मुकाबले निजी पसंद को तरजीह देना, रिश्वत लेना, कामचोरी, अपने कर्तव्य का पालन न करना, सरकार और सरकारी विभागों में आज कल यही हो रहा है. बेशर्मी भी शर्मसार हो गई है यहाँ.
अब इस में कोई संदेह नहीं रहा कि यह सरकार भ्रष्टाचार और भ्रष्टाचारियों के खिलाफ कोई सख्त कदम नहीं उठाएगी. इस सरकार का हर कार्य नागरिकों के खिलाफ और भ्रष्टाचारियों के पक्ष में होता है. अब जहाँ भी जब भी चुनाव हो, मतदाताओं को इस भ्रष्ट सरकार और इसकी साथी भ्रष्ट पार्टियों को हराना है.
जन लोकपाल बिल को कानून बनाओ, फिर हमसे वोट मांगने आओ, नहीं तो हार के गहरे समुन्दर में डूबने के लिए तैयार हो जाओ.
जन लोकपाल बिल को कानून बनाओ, फिर हमसे वोट मांगने आओ, नहीं तो हार के गहरे समुन्दर में डूबने के लिए तैयार हो जाओ.
There are some people who are out to create an impression that anti-quota movement is over. It is unfortunate that some people, including this negative government, think that a movement is on only when there are strikes, dharanas, bandhs, police brutality etc. They don't understand that Y4E movement is guided by heart and mind of Indian youth. It is an on going movement now because there will always be some inequality in some form in the society, and Y4E will be there to fight it and eradicate it.
Just a clarification, the words SC/OBC/Upper Caste etc, are all used in total confusion. ST/SC/OBC/OC are actually Government classifications. Outcastes/Shudra/Vaishya/Kshatriya/Brahmin are Hindu religious classification.
Outcastes - who suffered from untouchablity
Caste Hindus: Shudra - workers; Vaishya - traders, farmers, artisans; Kshatriya - warriors, rulers; Brahmins - Priests
Upper Castes: Vaishya - traders, farmers, artisans; Kshatriya - warriors, rulers; Brahmins - priests
Religions with No Caste: Muslims, Christians, Parsis, Jains
Government classifaction:
SC - Outcastes who suffered from untouchablity
ST - Tribals outside the Hindu caste system worshipping tribal gods
OBC - Caste Hindus (Shudra + Upper Castes - Vaishya, Kshatriya excepting Brahmins) according to Mandal 11 indicators
OC - Caste Hindus (Shudra + Upper Castes - Vaishya, Kshatriya, Brahmin) + No Castes (Christians, Muslims, Parsis, Jains)
Note: Many in Mandal OBC list are Upper Caste. eg. Yadav, Jat, Maratha, Gujjar etc. In South India where differentiation between Shudra/Vaishya/Kshtariya are not well defined, occupations of traders, farmers, artisans, warriors, rulers, priests are considered Upper Caste.
Common misconception on the "OBC Category". There is no "OBC" mentioned in the Constitution. Only 22.5% SC/ST (Dalits & Tribals) are eligible for reservation based on caste according to the Article 340 Constituition. Article 340 of Constitution also mentions "Socially and educationally backward classes" (NOT CASTES) as might also be eligible for some benefits. Caste Hindus are Shudra/Vaishya/Kshatriya/Brahmin, of these the Vedic Hindus which are Vaishya/Kshatriya/Brahmin (farmers, merchants, artisans, warriors, priests) are the Upper Castes and comprise about 45% of the population of the Country and at least many of the OBC are Upper Caste. (eg. Yadavs, Gujjars, Marathas, Jats, Vanniars, Vokkalagias etc). Yadav which is a Kshatriya caste alone are 20% of the total population of India. Large numbers of Kshatriya/Vaishya castes were feely included by Mandal and only Brahmins were excluded. Thus an "OBC" can very well be an Upper Caste by Hindu religious classification and many of the "OBC" are Upper Caste.
ACHTUNG ! RED ALERT ! OBC list inflating like a balloon ! Please observe some of Mandal 11 indicators.....even if your caste/community lives in "kaccha houses" or does not have "adequate representation in parliament" you can get in OBC list. Its a very dubious list.
At the time of Indpendence there was no OBC, only SC/ST. By 1990 V.P.Singh-Mandal issue there were 1100 castes in the OBC list.
Now in the year 2006, there are 2400 castes in the OBC list which is inflating like a balloon ! Many of the most powerful & dominant castes are already included in the OBC list. Every community/caste is eligble in Mandal list, its an outdated list using almost century old data, time to cancel it immediately.
The Constituition of India is being manipulated very frequently by crooked politicians. Comparing to the USA which is the oldest & most succesful democracy and probably the only country in the world which was founded initially from scratch as a democracy.
USA constituition - 27 Amendments in 230 years
India - 94 Amendments in only 59 years
USA Constituitional Amendment rate - 1 Amendment every 8 years Indian Constituitional Amendment rate - 2 Amendments every year !!!
Thus compared to USA the India Constituitional Amendment rate is 16x (SIXTEEN) times ! Which means the Constituition & Democracy in India is 16x times more UNSTABLE than that of America. ! This clearly shows the Constituition of India is wobbling like jelly and directionless as what is decided yesterday is being altered the next day by crooked politicians and unless this is stopped immediately, it will certainly have serious repercussions for the nation.
Thanks bong. Your messages contain lot of useful information. I don't have your e-mail ID or else would have thanked you by sending a personal e-mail.
Whenever there is a peoples' movement against existing system people should expect all sort of resistance and even use of brutal force and conspiracies to divide the people. People spearheading the movement should be very careful and avoid all provocation which might divert the attention from the main issue. Y4E so far has been very successful in this. I congratulate them.
Now the next step should be to make the movememnt broad based. It should not be seen as a movement against those who are being benefitted by reservation. It should be projected as a movement to create equality in the society, to empower each person irrespective of his or her caste, to ensure that benefits of development reach all. This will attract people from all sections of society to the movement.
Don't waste time in discussing over formation of a political party. In terms of politics there are only two groups, one who rules and other who are ruled. Those who rule are united. But the ruled are divided into supporting or opposing this or that section of those who rule. Make your voice strong. It will not be done by forming another political party. Y4E is a platform avialable now. Make use of it to create a synergic thought process against injustice and discrimination.
As per TOI news, anti-quota protests in India found an echo in USA when Indian Ameriacan professionals and students protested against it on Monday in Francisco Bay Area. They dubbed the govt's controversial move as a disturbing trend of using reservation for politics.
The rally included a signature campaign on a petition addressed to President Kalam. Protesters said "we are not pro or anti reservation, but question the facts, figures and basis of the govt policy. We ask for complete analysis to show why it is the best strategy for India's development. The govt has not measured the success of reservation policies of he past. On what basis can they extend such a policy? We need clearly defined goals, well analysed strategies and time bound metric to measure its success."
What can be more sensible than these demands?
Thank you. I wish I knew your name to address you but you prefer to post your views as 'Anonymous'. Keep posting your views to make it the best.
Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.
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